

Greenthumb Popcorn
Contact: Art Friedrich
Address: 1920 Tigertail Boulevard Dania Beach, FL, 33004
Phone: 786-427-4698
About Us
Are you looking for an addictive snack that your whole body will crave, but without the cheap trick of sugar? Our savory, crunchy popcorn is astonishingly nutritious and healthy. Greenthumb Popcorn's spirulina and nutritional yeast balance with garlic, cayenne and a veggie mix to keep you coming back for more while delivering B vitamins and lots of protein! Kids love it even more than our adult friends!
We are certified organic because we believe everyone has a right to know what’s in their food and whether it is from GMO crops (Organic regulations do not allow any GMO’s). We love organic farmers and their care for the environment and their refusal to rely on chemicals.